15 Ways to Say No

15 (Quick) Ways To Say NO!

Labour Day Week-end comes upon us at the end of each summer and brings with it mixed emotions.  On one hand we are winding down from our summer activities and relaxed routines.  On the other hand we are gearing up for all that September brings – a fresh start, return to routines and the perfect opportunity to work on some new habits.

In keeping with 2019 being the year that we are celebrating 15 years in business, my blog is focusing on 15 (quick) thoughts about the word “No”.  What better time to strengthen your “No” muscles than as you head into September.

Thought #1 – Life is full of choices.

We sometimes have to say no to important things so that we can say yes to other important things.

Thought #2 – When saying no, do it quickly.

To hesitate or ramble sends the message there is room for negotiation on your answer.

Thought #3 – Make appointments with yourself.

If your personal priorities are already marked on your calendar you will be prompted to say no to other requests.

Thought #4 – Be assertive.

There’s nothing wrong with saying yes.  But there is certainly something wrong with saying yes and then resenting it afterwards and wishing you had said no.

Thought #5 – Don’t fall into the yes trap.

It’s tempting to say yes when someone makes you feel needed or indispensable.  But remember that you are only indispensable until the moment you say no. When is the last time someone cancelled a birthday party or meeting because you couldn’t be there?

Thought #6 – Don’t no yourself

Whenever you say yes to someone else, you are saying no to yourself and to your own To Do list.  Say yes to others only if the importance of the request exceeds the importance of your own projects.

Thought #7 – Get rid of one, take one.

If you already have a full schedule, be sure to get rid of one task before you take on another.

Thought #8 – Nothing Personal.

Separate the request from the person.  It may be difficult to say no to someone you love, respect or fear, but keep in mind you are rejecting the request, not the person.

Thought #9  – Avoid impulse “yes-ing”.

Same way you should avoid impulse spending, avoid the impulse to give a quick “yes”.  Tell the person you will check your schedule and get back to them. Thinking before committing usually results in better decisions.

Thought #10 – Count the cost.

The next time someone asks you to do something, calculate the amount of time involved before agreeing.  People frequently take on more than they can handle simply because they fail to consider the time involved.

Thought #11 – Practice saying no.

Start out with friends.  If they are really your friends your relationship won’t suffer from the odd refusal.  By saying no more often, you will gain confidence and feel more at ease saying no. 

Thought #12 – Say no without guilt.

Don’t feel guilty when turning down something you shouldn’t be involved in.  You are simply insuring that there is time to do the tasks that are your responsibility.

Thought #13 – Deciding when to say No.

You need to know the difference between situations when you really want to say “yes” and those when you should say “no”. 

Thought #14 – Don’t go into time debt.

Don’t say yes thinking you’ll have more time in the future.  That’s like spending money you don’t have yet. Don’t go into time debt.  If you don’t have the time to do something now, say no.

Thought #15 – Don’t overwhelm yourself.

When you already have a full schedule, the desire to say yes should seldom outweigh the case for saying no.

Thank you Harold Taylor from Taylor in Time for these thought provoking – Time Quickies.

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