Organizing Roadblock #1: “I don’t know where to begin”
This is our number one question, “where do I begin?” Look around and make a list of the tasks that need to be accomplished. Prioritize each task. Set an appointment with yourself on a regular basis and commit to tackling each task – one at a time. Use a timer. Set the timer for 15 minutes everyday to work through the tasks on your list. At the end of the 15 minutes, you can either stop OR you will continue working because you are in a groove. Fifteen minutes everyday will make a big difference in the long run. Half the battle is getting started! So just do it!

Organizing Roadblock #2: “My family makes the mess”
Plan a family meeting. Ask everyone in the family to participate. Make a list of all the tasks that need to be accomplished and ask family members to choose what tasks they want to do. Establish a set time when everyone spends time getting organized. For example, after supper, the entire family spends 15 minutes putting things where they belong. Decide on a family reward when everyone completes their tasks.

Organizing Roadblock #3: “I don’t have time to organize”
You will never have the time to organize if you don’t make the time. We have encouraged you to make scheduled appointments with yourself to get to some of the tasks that you are avoiding. Block a significant amount of time in your schedule for big tasks. If you don’t have big chunks of time, then make your “little minutes” count. Make a list of projects that can be completed in “5 minutes”. For example, sew on a button, empty dishwasher, water plants, etc. Complete these little projects during a commercial or when you are waiting for someone to pick you up.

Organizing Roadblock #4: “I will never be able to get this done”
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the task in front of us. Recruit a friend or recruit a group of friends. Make it a “party”. Take turns going to each other’s houses to finish off some projects that are hard to do alone. Turn up the music and bring some treats to serve when the task is done. We don’t have to do it alone! Maybe “Heart of the Matter” can help you! ☺

Organizing Roadblock #5: “I’m very sentimental and I can’t let go of anything”
We work with lots of clients that have a hard time getting rid of anything because of their sentimental attachment. First we need to realize that if we throw something out, we are not throwing out the person for whom it represents. Our memory does not have to leave with the item. Take a picture of the item to remember, but donate the item so that someone can use it and enjoy it. Keep a sampling of items instead of everything. Prioritize and choose the items that mean the most to you. Finally donate and bless someone else.

Organizing Roadblock #6: “I can’t deal with all this paper”
Your computer is the most clutter-eliminating device in your home. Why do you need to keep that brochure, when you can look it up on the internet? Scanning documents has become a popular way to eliminate lots of paper filing systems. Another area of “out of control” paper is children’s school papers and mementoes. Keep a clear filing box with hanging files for each year in school. That box becomes the boundary for the amount of paper that can be kept. Another tip is to always open up mail beside the recycling bin. Recycle any paper that you don’t need immediately.

Organizing Roadblock #7: “I’m going to fail”
Think of the “Little Engine that Could” . . . instead of getting caught up in negative self-talk, begin to confess out loud, “I can do this, I can succeed”. Your attitude is very important in this entire process. Stay positive. Remember, any task that you complete represents success. Don’t forget to reward yourself when you meet your goal.

Organizing Roadblock #8: “It’s too much work”
Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed by a task that we can’t even start it. You need to make organizing fun. Put on your favourite music and organize while you sing along. Organize while you chat with your friend on the phone. Organize while you are watching television. Make it a game and see if you can “beat the clock” by setting a timer.

Organizing Roadblock #9: “I can’t afford to get organized”
It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to clear out clutter! We usually find that everything a client needs to get organized is right in their house. Don’t go out and buy new containers before you organize. Take the time to pair down and donate items and you will begin to free up new space and containers.
Another idea is to ask for a “organizing gift certificate” from Heart of the Matter for your birthday or Christmas! ☺

Organizing Roadblock #10: “I keep getting interrupted”
Designate schedule blocks of time to get organized. Close your office door or get up before your children are awake to find some uninterrupted time to complete your work. Turn off your cell phone and shut down your computer so you aren’t tempted to get distracted. Make it clear to others that you need some time alone. Discover what obstacles seem to get in the way and make a conscious effort to eliminate them.

We would love to hear from you! If you have an organizing roadblock that you have overcome, let us know!
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