I saw this sign in front of Holy Family School in New Hamburg one day last fall. I actually pulled over so that I could snap a photo.
It just struck me in that moment that this is really good foundational advice for life.
Point #1 – Trust God – Solid advice.
Point #2 – Clean House – Don’t get hung up on the word “clean”. Think of it more as simplifying and not getting bogged down with your stuff, so that you are too busy and overwhelmed to actually take to heart Point #3.
Back in November Rhonda and I did a Rightsizing Workshop at Rockway Centre. When we came out to the parking lot to leave that afternoon we met up with 2 young seniors who had attended our session. They had never met before, but they had vulnerably shared with each other that they needed to simplify their lives. They had decided to become accountability partners. Brilliant!! We loved it and snapped a photo as they gave each other a high 5 before parting ways that afternoon.
Do you need an accountability partner to help hold you accountable to the things you have chosen to accomplish in 2019? We are happy to help you out with that. No charge! Email us and tell us your plans. Let us know when you want us to check back with you and we’ll gladly fill that role for you.
Also I love the idea of this gratitude jar. What a beautiful thing to do in 2019.
We are here for you as you jump into a new year and all that it has to offer.
Need practical tips? We can help with The Key to Clutter Free – Guaranteed!
Book your project with Heart of the Matter now (work can happen anytime in 2019) and we will give 10% of your invoice total to one of three charities — you choose!
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Wilmot Family Resource Centre
- Cystic Fibrosis
Contact us today to book your session! This 10% Gift of Christmas applies to any job booked between now and January 15th, 2019 (work can happen anytime in 2019). Why wait? Make your commitment now to Organize and Declutter in 2019! You and your family will benefit from your decision, and as an added bonus one of these wonderful charities will benefit alongside you!