With September routines kicking into high gear, we thought it was the perfect time for a few quick tips to get (and keep) your family organized!
Week-end calendar Review
If you don’t already have one in place, set-up a family calendar. Post it in a spot where everyone can view it. Take a few minutes at some point each week-end and review your family calendar for the week ahead.
- How is everyone getting to where they need to be?
- Are there any gifts that need to be purchased, notes that need to be written or permission slips that need to be signed?
- Any childcare to be arranged?
This quick review will have everyone on the same page as you head into the new week.
Getting everyone on board
Having trouble getting your family on board with household chores? Conduct a family meeting and give everyone a chance to talk. Have the whole family work together to brainstorm a plan of action to accomplish household chores. List all the chores that need to be accomplished. Once the list has been completed, then ask family members to choose which tasks they would like to do. You may need to assign some of the chores that are not chosen. Make a checklist for each family member and put the list in a page protector. This way a dry erase marker can be used to check each chore as it is accomplished. Discuss your expectations until everyone is clear. At the meeting be sure to brainstorm what the consequences will be if family members don’t follow through. Some families may need to go to the next step and come up with contracts for each family member. Then the consistency of following up on your expectations is your responsibility. It can be difficult sometimes, but well worth the effort!
For more (including a video!) on family meetings, check out this blog.
Switch it up
Children get bored of doing the same chores all the time. Rotate them periodically.
Ring the Bell
Have a dinner bell or old fashioned cowbell that you ring a few minutes before a meal is ready. It alerts everyone to quickly finish what they are doing and head for the table. This is great to use when children are playing outside!
Setting for success
To help children remember the proper way to set the table, tell them that fork and left both have four letters, while knife, spoon and right all have five letters.
We have lots more tips to hit the ground running this September!
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