kids gear

Kids and their gear — managing the stuff of childhood!

Children are wonderful, but they come with a lot of stuff! 

Many are collectors and enjoy playing with things that have copious amounts of pieces and require clever storage solutions so they don’t drive parents crazy.

Such things as stuffed toys, Shopkins, Polly Pockets and Dinky Cars are things that can be played with but also displayed in creative ways.

Here are a few ideas for stuffed toys:



Getting displays up to ceiling height makes best use of every inch in a child’s bedroom or playroom.  Consider mounting colourful plastic crates to create shelving for mementos and special stuffed toys.


A neat idea for displaying Shopkins  or Polly Pockets in style!

Dollar Store ice cube trays mounted on the wall give lots of tiny compartments for your little ones to showcase their collections.


Young collectors of tiny vehicles will enjoy these options and it follows along with teaching children from little on up that everything needs a home!

A wooden crate and pieces of PVC pipe.


A bit more of a woodworking project!


Here are some creative DIY ideas to repurpose furniture pieces that are no longer needed for their traditional use in your home.  By giving them a new life you are: 

  • saving the earth, by keeping them out of the landfill site
  • providing super fun storage space for kids’ gear
  • tackling a project that the entire family can work on together


Makeovers on old bedside tables can create a small kitchen centre or a workbench.


Old entertainment units get a new life as a kitchen centre or a diner.








Highboy dresser can be transformed to a costume closet or a doll house!






A bookshelf or display shelves from an old buffet can have a new life as a puppet theatre.


Be sure to check out our Pinterest Boards  for more “kid friendly” organizing tips and creative ideas for all around the house!

Don’t forget to enter our Mother’s Day Giveaway (2 FREE hours!!!)  Winner will be announced on Monday, May 15, 2017.


You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.  Dr. Seuss



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