I have designated January as my personal “paper month”. Some of you are rolling your eyes and others are intrigued and want to hear more! Call me crazy but I love paper. I know that a lot of you feel that paper is your worst enemy. Some of you sense it multiplying every time you turn your back! Personally I am not ready to declare my home as a “paper free” zone yet! Paper represents creativity and information to me. The key to enjoying paper is to have a custom system in place that works for you and your family.

In the month of January, I take the time to reflect about my paper systems and ask myself some of these questions:
- Are my systems working?
- Where does my system break down?
- Where are the piles of paper in my house?
We refer to these piles as “hot spots”. January is the time of year when I go through my filing cabinets and purge/recycle/shred any unwanted paper. As I go through my files, I can also collect and set aside any documents needed for filing my annual tax return. I can get two projects done in one!

Paper will bury us if we don’t have a system . . .
The ultimate goal should be to handle paper only once! Here is an acronym to help. You should pick one of four options when dealing with your paper:
R – Read
A – Act on
F – File
T- Toss

Let me explain each of these in more detail:
R- Read Read the paper right way (then recycle or shred) or put it in a “to read” file folder so that you have those papers all together to read when you have some extra time. This file folder can be brought along when you may have a couple of minutes of “waiting” time, for example, to a doctor’s appointment or when you are waiting to pick up a child from hockey.

A – Act on Deal with the paper immediately. For example if you receive an invitation or memo in regard to a meeting – mark it in your calendar, rsvp right away and recycle.

F – File File it in your filing cabinet or in your “temporary paper” system. One of our favourite catch phrases – “File it, don’t pile it!” Beware of this category – the statistic is we never look at 80% of what we file.

T – Toss Please open your mail near a recycling bin and dispose of the envelope or junk mail immediately.

So remember, deal with paper once!!! The statistic is that on average, we handle paper 9 times before we deal with it!
Another catch phrase – “Keep up or it will heap up!”

Today, I challenge you to grab a “hot spot” from your house and use RAFT to eliminate the pile completely!!
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