This is a fascinating list to reflect on. What are your strengths and how can you capitalize on them? What are your weaknesses and how can you accommodate for them?
- Concept of time & time segments
- Macro & Micro vision
- Ability to move between these
- Setting goals
- Recognize connection between present behaviour & future goals
- Ability to delay gratification
- Making a plan with sub-steps
- Sequencing sub-steps
- Notating sub-steps – time planner, list making, use of technology apps.
- Predicting time for sub-steps
- Creating the environment for productivity
- Space & ability to organize your necessary “tools”
- Ability to maintain neatness & structure
- Setting priorities
- Recognizing new stimuli/circumstances that change priorities
- Readjusting priorities
- Emotional ability to let go of excess baggage
- Strength & ability to say no to environmental temptations
- Memory – at all levels
- Self discipline & motivation to keep to the plan
- A REASON to bother with all this
- Enough self-esteem & emotional maturity to believe it will make a difference
- Acceptance of limitations
- Willingness to accept assistance