What could possibly be a better way to end our year of celebration than to have a party?
All of the details are included on the invitation below. This Gala Party With a Purpose is something we have been dreaming about ever since we had our last party.
Our Gala evening on Saturday, November 2nd is a chance to dress up in your Sunday best and join us for a fun time of :
- food
- entertainment
- interactive demonstrations
- exclusive private shopping at MCC Thrift on Kent
- silent auction
- door prizes
- and more!!!
All proceeds from the evening go to our partner the Mennonite Central Committee. Their local Thrift Shops (in Kitchener, New Hamburg, Milverton & Elmira) allow Heart of the Matter and Senior’s Move to do what we do everyday. If we didn’t have an ethically responsible place to take our client donations, we wouldn’t be in business. The Mennonite Central Committee does meaningful work around the world and we are excited to support this good work as an added benefit to our celebration!
An added bonus to our Party With a Purpose is that it is the same night we turn our clocks back an hour at bedtime. On November the 2nd we can give you more than just an extra hour!!!
Check it out:
Purchase your tickets now!! – $35 of the ticket price is eligible for a tax receipt. Our beautiful party venue at 50 Kent Avenue Kitchener allows us to celebrate with 200 friends. Please help us pack the house on November 2nd 🙂 We can’t wait to celebrate with you!!